Kim’s Mission


I sat in awe of her knowledge of the psyche, and of her ability to translate compassion from my head to my heart.
— Dr. Patti Giuliano, Westwood, MA

I know we are all interdependent – we depend on each other and we impact one another even before we are born and after we are gone. The connection between us is scientific and it is also spiritual.

I believe we’re all doing the best we can with what we have, and my experience is that we do what we do until we know something different.

Given the immense value of healthy relationships (evidenced on many levels), and our inherent potential to be our best selves, there can be purpose in everything.

I have a firm belief that we can consciously evolve in this lifetime, so I continually ask how can we do this best? How would I like myself to be, for myself, for others, for the planet, for the things that I care about - that are bigger than myself?

Faith that conscious evolution can be happening everywhere is what guides me – and encourages me to try my best to be a compassionate seed planter. What brings me great joy is being present with people in their journeys in life as they evolve to become the best selves they want to be.
