Supporting the conscious evolution of the human spirit

Kim’s Story


Hi, I’m Kim – welcome to this website! It is a way of sharing all the things our Relationship Matters Team is feeling passionate and curious about, in one place! Hopefully it serves as a resource to you in some way – that’s the intention. I’m humbled by your interest in what we're up to, and inspired by the work that countless people are doing to support others – and yourselves. If this kind of thing were easy, it would be a different world we live in. I am being constantly reminded that we need to nurture our relationships through attunement, compassion, humour, and mindfulness. Remember, when it works it’s treatment, and when it doesn’t it’s assessment. This means we aren’t expected to get it right the first time. I’ve been doing my best at this for over 37 years, and still learning and repairing every day.


For anyone who doesn’t know what I especially like to study and teach, the hot topics that I wake up thinking about are understanding complex behaviour, neurobiology, sensory-processing, movement, trauma informed practice, attachment theory, mental health, and anything that will support people in being their best selves.

Thank you for being part of the great momentum globally towards understanding, interdependence, and compassion. Please connect with our team at Relationship Matters if that’s an interest for you, and importantly, thank you for doing whatever it is that you do to help others. We may never know the fruit of the seeds we plant through our smallest gestures, but just by caring we are more connected than we know. I feel great hope.
